Kayode Bankole, the House of Representatives APC aspirant, said he, alongside his team, escaped an attack by gunmen early Tuesday morning in Igosi, Oke-Ero in the local government area, Kwara.
Mr Bankole explained that he was visiting delegates at the Igosi-Imode ward to solicit support ahead of the party primary when attacked. He was on his way to his hometown in Ekan.
Mr Bankole, however, escaped unhurt.
The aspirant said he suspected it could be the handiwork of his political opponents because of his popularity and called on security agencies to double their efforts at securing lives.
The aspirant said he would not rest on his laurels until he won the APC ticket for the House of Representatives.
He called on political opponents to sheath their swords and allow free contest of ideas without bloodshed.
Mr Bankole is seeking to represent Ekiti, Isin, Irepodun and Oke-Ero Federal Constituency of Kwara.
The police command in Kwara did not immediately reply to calls and messages when filing this report.