“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”
Inforistic is an online community of reporters and social advocates whose sole aim is to bring you commentaries and news reports on Nigerian-African politics and the latest happenings.
We are the stray parakeet bird on your balcony.Â
As we shriek and make fluttering sounds on the window to get you off the bed, we bring daily updates about your favorite A-listers and reality stars, from makeups to breakups, beef, and political happenings.
We are the sassiest website that has the most notorious gossip columnist.
And I can tell you NOTHING truly hides away from us!
What Inforistic Is All About…?
Inforistic is all about the news and entertainment.
The most important thing to us is that you get the best of both worlds:
You can find out what is happening around the country and laugh at some of your favorite celebrities’ exploits.
Our goal is to be your up-to-date buddy who brings the latest happening around you.Â
You don’t have to turn on the tv and be a couch potato to know the latest happenings.
Because with Inforistic, you can get recent news on the go. We are a real-time saver!Â
We are ALWAYS among the first to break up-to-the-minute media news with unfiltered and no-holds-barred celebrity coverage.
So this is what you’re typically getting at inforistic.com:
- Exclusive breaking news about business, political deeds, and the latest happenings around the country.
- A wealth of up-to-date content about lifestyle, what’s viral now, and pop culture.
- We give you a daily cup of news, gossip, and photos of the buzziest celebrities as we get our fingers on both Nollywood’s pulse and the music industry.
- Also, you get a chance for your story to go viral too. You can submit a report on Inforistic, and it goes widespread.